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In Deutschland ist die Zahl der Privatschulen seit 1992 erheblich gestiegen, insbesondere in Ostdeutschland. Diese Schulen werden überwiegend von SchülerInnen aus sozioökonomisch privilegierten Haushalten besucht, während Kinder aus einkommensschwachen Familien seltener vertreten sind. In diesem Beitrag untersuchen wir, ob die räumliche Verteilung der Privatschulen mit sozialen Ungleichheiten beim ...
Zeitschrift für Soziologie
53 (2024), 3, S. 314–330
| Marcel Helbig, Laura Schmitz
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Economic and social scientists are increasingly interested in historical data, but many relevant sources are still available in analog form, limiting accessibility and research potential. This article introduces the WBdigital database, which aims to improve this situation. The database provides digital access to the DIW Wochenbericht (1928–1968), including its economic texts and time series data covering ...
Jahrbücher für Nationalökonomie und Statistik
(2025), im Ersch. [online first:2024-09-11]
| Marcus Schöps, Enrico Wedekind, Tobias Gebel, Andreas O. Kempf, Peter Löwe, Luca Kohlhepp, Alexander Gehrke, Frank Puppe
Referierte Aufsätze Web of Science
ObjectivesChange in body weight during the COVID-19 pandemic as an unintended side effect of lockdown measures has been predominantly reported for younger and middle-aged adults. However, information on older adults for which weight loss is known to result in adverse outcomes, is scarce. In this study we describe the body weight change in older adults before, during, and after the COVID-19 lockdown ...
The Journal of Nutrition, Health & Aging
28 (2024), 100206, 9 S.
| Valentin Max Vetter, Johanna Drewelies, Sandra Düzel, Jan Homann, Lil Meyer-Arndt, Julian Braun, Anne Pohrt, Friederike Kendel, Gert G. Wagner, Andreas Thiel, Lars Bertram, Vera Regitz-Zagrosek, Denis Gerstorf, Ilja Demuth
Referierte Aufsätze Web of Science
How individuals perceive the fairness of their pay carries profound implications for individuals and society. Perceptions of pay injustice are linked to a spectrum of negative outcomes, including diminished well-being, poor health, increased stress, and depressive symptoms, alongside various detrimental effects in the work domain. Despite the far-reaching impact of these justice evaluations, validity ...
Social Justice Research
37 (2024), S. 335–365
| Cristóbal Moya, Jule Adriaans
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Designs using planned missingness, such as the split questionnaire design, are becoming more and more important in social survey research. To ensure an acceptable questionnaire length, these approaches typically entail large amounts of planned missing data, which can be imputed after data collection. However, social surveys typically also include other types of missingness such as item nonresponse ...
Survey Research Methods
18 (2024), 2, S. 137-151
| Julian B. Axenfeld, Christian Bruch, Christof Wolf, Annelies G. Blom
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Zeitschrift für Erziehungswissenschaft
(2025), im Ersch.
| Dave Möwisch, Annika Wienke, Emilija Meier-Faust, Birgit Mathes, Manja Attig
Referierte Aufsätze Web of Science
Entrepreneurs tend to be risk tolerant but is higher risk tolerance always better? In a sample of about 2100 small businesses, we find an inverted U-shaped relation between risk tolerance and profitability. This relationship holds in a simple bilateral regression, and even after controlling for a large set of individual and business characteristics. Apparently, one major transmission goes from risk ...
Small Business Economics
(2025), im Ersch. [online first: 2024-08-14]
| Melanie Koch, Lukas Menkhoff
Referierte Aufsätze Web of Science
The 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations, established in 2015, aim to achieve global sustainability by 2030 through the improvement of environmental, social, and economic parameters. However, unlike earlier concepts such as the Agenda 21 of 1992, the SDGs overlook radioactive waste management and related challenges of radiation itself. First, we investigate the historic consideration ...
Radiation and Environmental Biophysics
63 (2024), S. 519–536
| Alexander Wimmers, Fanny Böse, Jasmin Beppler, Pauline Morawe, Maximilian Weber, Christian von Hirschhausen
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As variable renewable energy (VRE) sources increasingly gain importance in global energy systems, there is a growing interest in understanding periods of VRE shortage ('Dunkelflauten'). Defining, quantifying, and comparing such shortage events across different renewable generation technologies and locations presents a surprisingly intricate challenge. Various methodological approaches exist in different ...
Environmental Research: Energy
1 (2024), 035007, 18 S.
| Martin Kittel, Wolf-Peter Schill
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Nitrate pollution from agricultural production is a major threat to water resources worldwide. This study quantifies the consequences of groundwater nitrate pollution for the drinking water supply sector by estimating the effect of groundwater nitrate pollution on the costs of water utilities. In doing so, we contribute to the estimation of the external costs of agricultural nonpoint pollution associated ...
American Journal of Agricultural Economics
(2025), im Ersch. [online first: 2024-08-13]
| Astrid Cullmann, Julia Rechlitz, Greta Sundermann, Nicole Wägner
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Prior research has identified that school absences harm children’s academic achievement. However, this literature is focused on brief periods or single school years and does not consistently account for the dynamic nature of absences across multiple school years. This study examined dynamic trajectories of children’s authorised and unauthorised absences throughout their compulsory school career in ...
PloS one
19 (2024), 8, e0306716, 15 S.
| Jascha Dräger, Markus Klein, Edward M. Sosu
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In times of crises, democracies face the challenge of balancing effective interventions with civil liberties. This study examines German states’ responses during the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic, focusing on the trade-off between civil liberties and public health. Using state-level variation in mobility restrictions, we employ a difference-in-differences design to show that stay-at-home orders ...
European Journal of Political Economy
85 (2024), 102593
| Daniel Graeber, Lorenz Meister, Panu Poutvaara
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We investigate the challenges and options for repurposing existing natural gas pipelines for hydrogen transportation. Challenges of re-purposing are mainly related to safety and due to the risk of hydrogen embrittlement of pipeline steels and the smaller molecular size of the gas. From an economic perspective, the lower volumetric energy density of hydrogen compared to natural gas is a challenge. We ...
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy
80 (2024), S. 821-831
| Kornél Télessy, Lukas Barner, Franziska Holz
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Informal childcare care by grandparents, other relatives or friends is an important source of support in many Western countries, including Germany. Yet the role of this type of care is often overlooked in accounts of social policies supporting families with children, which tend to focus on formal childcare. This article examines whether the large formal childcare expansion occurring in Germany in the ...
Social Policy and Administration
(2025), im Ersch. [online first: 2024-07-17]
| Ludovica Gambaro, Clara Schäper, C. Katharina Spiess
Referierte Aufsätze Web of Science
High-growth firms (HGFs) are important for job creation and productivity growth. We investigate the relationship between product and labour market regulations, as well as the quality of regional governments that implement these regulations, and the development of HGFs across European regions. Using data from Eurostat, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), World Economic ...
Regional Studies
58 (2024), 9, S.1710–1727
| Sara Amoroso, Benedikt Herrmann, Alexander S. Kritikos
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This article examines the evolution of the gender wealth gap in Germanyduring the first decade of the XXI century. This period is characterized byan increase in labour supply of women and change in occupational structure dueto numerous reforms undertaken by the government. We use the Firpo, Fortin,Lemieux detailed decomposition technique throughout the wealth distribution toidentify the main factors ...
The B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy
24 (2024), 4, S. 1045–1071
| Eva Sierminska, Daniela Piazzalunga, Markus Grabka
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In der Literatur zum Klimawandel taucht der Sozialstaat kaum auf – und diesgilt auch für die politischen Diskurse. Zur Verkoppelung der Energie- und Klimakrise mit einer Weiterentwicklung des Systems der sozialen Sicherung führen wir den Begriff der Klimasozialpolitik ein, um den sozial unausgewogenen „Weiter-So“-Pfad zu verlassen. Mit Hilfe eines pauschalen Direktzahlungsmechanismus kann ein Instrument ...
Sozialer Fortschritt
73 (2024), 6/7, S. 443 – 460
| Rolf G. Heinze, Jürgen Schupp
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Climate policy will inevitably lead to the stranding of fossil energy assets such as production and transport assets for coal, oil, and natural gas. Resource-rich developing countries are particularly affected, as they have a higher risk of asset stranding due to strong fossil dependencies and wider societal consequences beyond revenue disruption. However, there is only little academic and political ...
Frontiers in Environmental Economics
3 (2024), 1273315, 18 S.
| Franziska M. Hoffart, Franziska Holz
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The decommissioning of nuclear power plants is a complex and lengthy process. But so far, of the 204 already closed reactors, only eleven with more than 100 MW of electrical capacity have been fully decommissioned, while another 200 reactors are expected to reach the end of their operational lifetime in the next two decades. Against this backdrop, this comparative cross-country case study investigates ...
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews
201 (2024), 114621, 16 S.
| Rebekka Bärenbold, Muhammad Maladoh Bah, Rebecca Lordan-Perret, Björn Steigerwald, Christian von Hirschhausen, Ben Wealer, Hannes Weigt, Alexander Wimmers
Referierte Aufsätze Web of Science
The present study conducts a Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) to evaluate the environmental impacts of heating technologies commonly used in Chile based on six environmental indicators: Climate Change (CC), Human Toxicity (HT), Formation of Particulate Matter (PM), Formation of Photochemical Oxidants (PO), Ozone Destruction (OD), and Water Depletion (WD). Due to the extensive length of the territory studied, ...
Cleaner Environmental Systems
13 (2024), 100192, 13 S.
| Adrián-Enrique Ortiz-Rojas, Ismaela Magliotto-Quevedo, Leonardo Guerra, Carlos Gaete-Morales, Paula Guerra, Camila Mery-Araya