Dr. Mariel McKone Leonard

Dr. Mariel McKone Leonard

Interimsleiterin SOEP Innovationsstichprobe in der

Infrastruktureinrichtung Sozio-oekonomisches Panel


Nicht-referierte Aufsätze

Conducting Respondent-Driven Sampling with Ethnic Minority Populations: The State of the Field

In: Survey Practice (2024), im Ersch. | Mariel McKone Leonard



Surveying Panel Participants’ Network Members: Integration of Egocentric Data Collection and Respondent-Driven Sampling

Jean-Yves Gerlitz, Mariel McKone Leonard, Carina Cornesse, Olaf Groh-Samberg, Sabine Zinn
Bamberg, 11.07.2024 - 12.07.2024
| Kick-off-Meeting of the Infrastructure Priority Programme “New Data Spaces for the Social Sciences” (SPP 2431): Leibniz-Institut für Bildungsverläufe

Initiating Chain-Referral for Virtual Respondent-Driven Sampling – A Pilot Study with Experiments

Carina Cornesse, Mariel McKone Leonard, Julia Witton, Julian B. Axenfeld, Jean-Yves Gerlitz, Olaf Groh-Samberg, Sabine Zinn
Atlanta, USA, 15.05.2024 - 17.05.2024
| 79th AAPOR Annual Conference

Initiating Chain-Referral for Virtual Respondent-Driven Sampling – A Pilot Study with Experiments

Carina Cornesse, Mariel McKone Leonard, Julia Witton, Julian B. Axenfeld, Jean-Yves Gerlitz, Olaf Groh-Samberg, Sabine Zinn
Köln, 21.02.2024 - 23.02.2024
| General Online Research Conference: GOR 2024

