ADaptation And Mitigation Strategies for Europe (ADAM)

Abgeschlossenes Projekt


Claudia Kemfert




University of East Anglia (Project coordinator), Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, Centre for European Policy Studies, Paul Scherrer Institute, Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research, University of Cambridge, Lund University u.a.
ADAM is an integrated research project running from 2006 to 2009 that will lead to a better understanding of the trade-offs and conflicts that exist between adaptation and mitigation policies. ADAM will support EU policy development in the next stage of the development of the Kyoto Protocol and will inform the emergence of new adaptation strategies for Europe.
The core objectives are:
  • to assess the extent to which existing and evolving EU (and world) mitigation and adaptation policies can achieve a tolerable transition to a world with a global climate no warmer than 2°C above preindustrial levels, and to identify their associated costs and effectiveness.
  • to develop and appraise a portfolio of longer term policy options that could contribute to addressing shortfalls both between existing mitigation policies and the achievement of the EU´s 2°C target, and between existing adaptation policy development and EU goals and targets for adaptation.

DIW Team
