Stellenangebot vom 5. November 2024
The Applied Microeconomics Department at the DIW Berlin focuses on the economics of crime, labor, and inequality. The department analyzes the effects of labor market, social, and economic policy on the decisions and behavior of individuals and households. Research in the department is particularly concerned with aspects related to the economic causes and consequences of crime, as well as the potential interactions between crime on the one hand and equal opportunities and distributional issues on the other. The focus lies on microeconomic, empirical research that contributes to an evidence-based discourse.
Starting as soon as possible, the DIW Berlin is looking for a Postdoc (F/M/X) (Full time/39 hours per week).
This position is suitable for furthering scientific training according to Section 2, paragraph 1 of the Act on Fixed-Term Employment Contracts in Academic (WissZeitVG).
A job at a research institute with around 300 colleagues, where diversity, equal opportunities, and a healthy work-life balance guide all areas of work. Flexible work schedules tailored to your needs as well as remote work are key parts of our work culture.
An exciting and varied job where you will gain deep insights into a research institute as well as national and international science systems. At DIW Berlin, you will have the perfect opportunity to gain further subject-specific training at an institute where science and politics intersect.
DIW Berlin supports your professional and personal qualification and advancement via internal and external career development opportunities and annual performance reviews.
You are paid according to the collective agreement for the public sector (Tarifvertrag des öffentlichen Dienstes, TVöD Bund), which includes an annual bonus as well as a company pension with VBL Ost.
The office is located in the middle of Berlin-Mitte convenient to public transportation. As a DIW Berlin employee, you are eligible for a reduced VBB-Firmenticket that is partially subsidized.
The position is initially limited to a period of 6 years. A tenure-track is an option. Remuneration is paid according to TVöD Bund, salary group E14
We value diversity and welcome all applications regardless of gender, disability, nationality, or ethnic or social origin. If you’re interested in the position, we are excited to hear from you!
Please apply online by November 30th, 2024 quoting the reference number MIK-2-24 and including a cover letter, CV, a copy of your job market paper, a research statement, copies of degree certificates and two reference letters. Please do not include a photo. If you have any questions about the online application, contact
First round interviews will be conducted online in coordination with the European Job Market for Economists between December 16 and December 19, 2024.
You can find more information about DIW Berlin on our website, Please contact Prof. Anna Bindler ( for more information on the specific tasks and responsibilities of this position.
Das DIW Berlin (Deutsches Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung) ist seit 1925 eines der führenden Wirtschaftsforschungsinstitute in Deutschland. Es erforscht wirtschafts- und sozialwissenschaftliche Zusammenhänge in gesellschaftlich relevanten Themenfeldern und berät auf dieser Grundlage Politik und Gesellschaft. Das Institut ist national und international vernetzt, stellt weltweit genutzte Forschungsinfrastruktur bereit und fördert den wissenschaftlichen Nachwuchs. Das DIW Berlin ist unabhängig und wird als Mitglied der Leibniz-Gemeinschaft überwiegend aus öffentlichen Mitteln finanziert.