DIW Roundup 145 / 2023
The rise of populism challenges numerous Western democracies and their institutions. In this round-up, we examine economic and societal conditions that are driving forces behind populism. We focus on five domains that are closely interlinked with populist support: globalization, financial crises, migration, inequality, and social mobility. Each domain offers unique insights into how societal shifts, ...
2023| Carl Leonard Fischer, Lorenz Meister
DIW Roundup 144 / 2023
International migration emerges as an important driver of globalization since migrants play a salient role in diffusing international norms and practices across borders. Through a variety of channels migrants are capable of encouraging democratic behavior back in their countries of origin. On the other hand, immigration is commonly at the forefront of political debates in hosting economies of migrants, ...
2023| Annika Westen
DIW Roundup 143 / 2023
Whether trade can achieve societal change is a contested topic and difficult to investigate. This round-up aims at summarizing recent empirical research on this topic while focusing on democracy and democratization as an important part of societal change. No robust results for change arising from trade can be found, but there exists an inverse causality, i.e., democratization leading to more trade. ...
2023| Martin Hoppe
DIW Roundup 142 / 2022
While there is a broad consensus in the literature that stock ownership is associated with individual characteristics, such as wealth, income, risk preferences, and financial literacy, less is known about the dynamics of stock market participation (SMP). Major fluctuations in SMP are oftentimes related to political events, economic shocks, and technological disruptions. We discuss the literature that ...
2022| Lorenz Meister, Karla Schulze
DIW Roundup 141 / 2022
As of summer 2022, the war in Ukraine has lasted more than three months, caused the deaths of thousands of people, and ruined the lives of millions. It has impacted the world economy and affected Ukraine severely, ruining industries as well as causing massive migration, a decrease in household income, and an increase in the budget deficit and government debt. As the war continues, it will deepen the ...
2022| Nataliia Slaviuk, Tetiana Bui
DIW Roundup 140 / 2022
Credit decisions play an important role for the economic wellbeing of households. However, the complexity of products and varying price information display makes it hard for consumers to navigate this field. Empirical evidence has important implications for consumer protection policies, as many people fail to make optimal choices for themselves and struggle to understand credit cost information. Presenting ...
2022| Antonia Gipp
DIW Roundup 139 / 2022
Rent control is a highly debated social policy that has been omnipresent since World War I. Since 2010s, it has been experiencing a true renaissance, for many cities and countries facing housing shortage are desperately looking for solutions of the chronic housing shortage and direct their attention to controlling housing rents and to other restrictive policies. Is rent control useful or does it create ...
2022| Konstantin A. Kholodilin
DIW Roundup 138 / 2021
Entscheidende Charakteristika einer modernen Dienstleistungs- und damit auch beruflichen „Ellenbogen“-Gesellschaft sind interpersonelle Kommunikation und Interaktion von Angesicht zu Angesicht– selbst in einer digitalen Welt. Studien im Bereich Personalgewinnung zeigen, dass Bewerberinnen und Bewerber im persönlichen Gespräch häufig besser bewertet werden als in fernmündlichen Gesprächen via Telefon ...
2021| Tim Lohse, Salmai Qari
DIW Roundup 137 / 2020
There are various reasons why humans may want to reduce their consumption of meat and other animal products. In the following, we lay out important stylized facts about individual meat consumption, and then discuss the challenges and puzzles surrounding effective behavior change toward more sustainable, plant-based diets.
2020| Jana Friedrichsen, Manja Gärtner
DIW Roundup 137 / 2020
Es gibt verschiedene Gründe dafür, den Konsum von Fleisch und anderen tierischen Produkten zu reduzieren. In diesem Beitrag stellen wir wichtige Fakten zum Fleischkonsum vor und diskutieren dann mögliche Wege und Herausforderungen in Bezug auf eine effektive Verhaltensänderung hin zu einer nachhaltigeren, weniger tierbasierten Ernährung.
2020| Jana Friedrichsen, Manja Gärtner
DIW Roundup 136 / 2019
Asset stranding–the unanticipated depreciation of assets (e.g. resource re-serves, infrastructure, stocks) due to market shifts such as policy interventions or innovation–is at the core of current debates in energy and climate. This roundup presents prominent contributions to the discussion with a focus on fuel-exporting economies. We discuss strengths and limits of the concept as well as potential ...
2019| Dawud Ansari, Ambria Fareed
DIW Roundup 135 / 2019
„Es wächst zusammen, was zusammen gehört“, kommentierte Willy Brandt 1989 den Mauerfall. 30 Jahre nach dem Mauerfall ist schon vieles zusammengewachsen, aber trotz vieler positiver Erfolge gilt Ostdeutschland weiterhin als strukturschwach, mit niedrigeren Löhnen und geringerer Wirtschaftskraft (SVR 2019). Auch haben sich nur wenige Konzernzentralen großer Unternehmen in Ostdeutschland niedergelassen. ...
2019| Maria Metzing, David Richter
DIW Roundup 134 / 2019
Deklariertes Ziel der EZB-Geldpolitik ist primär Preisstabilität in der Eurozone. Angesichts der ernüchternden Wachstumsprognosen und des konjunkturellen Abschwungs in Europa signalisierte nun der abgehende EZB-Chef Mario Draghi weitere Schritte zur Lockerung der Geldpolitik, um anhaltend niedrige Inflationsraten zu vermeiden. Die EZB verfügt dabei über ein ganzes Spektrum konventioneller und unkonventioneller ...
2019| Jan Philipp Fritsche, Lea Steininger
DIW Roundup 133 / 2019
When in distress, a firm may need restructuring or liquidation; in either case, legal uncertainty compounds the difficulty. Sound and efficient insolvency regimes are important as these not just positively affect investment, innovation, and economic growth, but also the supply and cost of credit. The design of appropriate insolvency frameworks in Europe is, however, still controversial. The debate ...
2019| Tatsiana Kliatskova, Loïc Baptiste Savatier
DIW Roundup 132 / 2019
Deutschland ist, ähnlich wie seine deutschsprachigen Nachbarländer, ein Land der Mieterinnen und Mieter. Mit 51,4 Prozent ist die personenbasierte Wohneigentumsquote im Jahr 2017 im europäischen Vergleich besonders niedrig (Eurostat, 2019). In Österreich ist sie mit 55 Prozent unwesentlich höher (2017), in der Schweiz mit 42,5 Prozent niedriger (2016) (ebd.). Für diese Länderunterschiede sind in der ...
2019| Konstantin A. Kholodilin, Sebastian Kohl, Tobias Niemeyer
DIW Roundup 131 / 2019
Mobile money is a success story in terms of facilitating account ownership and payments in developing and emerging countries. Today, telecommunication companies offer mobile money services across more than 90 countries. The most popular services are deposits and instant digital money transfers between users. Widespread mobile money adoption is boosting financial inclusion, reducing in transaction costs ...
2019| Jana Hamdan
DIW Roundup 130 / 2019
Although households in developing and emerging countries are relatively poor, there is potential to save. For example, one study estimates that up to 8.1% of a poor household’s budget in such countries is spent on so-called temptation goods, like alcohol, tobacco, and festivals (Banerjee and Duflo, 2007). At the same time, many households are aware of the fact that they do not save enough. They name ...
2019| Eva Haaser, Melanie Koch
DIW Roundup 129 / 2019
In the run-up to the European elections in May 2019, the European Commission is trying to advance the initiatives laid out in its action plan for a European Capital Markets Union (CMU). In order to diversify financing sources and to increase private risk sharing, the CMU aims at deepening the integration of European equity and debt markets. While there are benefits associated with more cross-border ...
2019| Justus Inhoffen
DIW Roundup 128 / 2019
Central bank intervention in foreign exchange markets is a common tool to influence exchange rates. Although central bankers are convinced of their policy’s effectiveness, econometric estimates of precise effects differ across studies. The difficulties with estimations mostly result from a lack of adequate data. This article highlights different econometric approaches that aim to mitigate estimation ...
2019| Lukas Boer
DIW Roundup 127 / 2019
In Deutschland sind verschiedene Energieträger derzeit unterschiedlich stark mit Abgaben und Umlagen belastet. Dies gilt sowohl in Bezug auf den Energiegehalt als auch auf die mit der Nutzung verbundenen CO2-Emissionen. Dieses Roundup gibt einen systematischen Überblick über bestehende Vorschläge zur Umgestaltung der Belastungen. Sie zielen meist darauf ab, Strom günstiger zu machen und Heiz- und Kraftstoffe ...
2019| Andrea Dertinger, Wolf-Peter Schill