Diskussionspapiere 2058 / 2023
We develop a two-country business-cycle model of the US and the rest of the world with dollar dominance in trade invoicing, in cross-border credit, and in safe assets. The interplay between these elements—dollar trinity—rationalizes salient features of the Global Financial Cycle in the data: When its tide subsides, the dollar appreciates, financial conditions tighten, the world business cycle slows ...
2023| Georgios Georgiadis, Gernot J. Müller, Ben Schumann
Diskussionspapiere 2057 / 2023
The dollar is a safe-haven currency and appreciates when global risk goes up. We investigate the dollar’s role for the transmission of global risk to the world economy within a Bayesian proxy structural vectorautoregressive model. We identify global risk shocks using high-frequency asset-price surprises around narratively selected events. Global risk shocks appreciate the dollar, induce tighter global ...
2023| Georgios Georgiadis, Gernot J. Müller, Ben Schumann
Diskussionspapiere 2056 / 2023
The distributional and disruptive effects of energy supply shocks are potentially large. We study the effectiveness of alternative fiscal responses in a two-country HANK model that we calibrate to the euro area. Energy subsidies can stabilize the domestic economy, but are fiscally costly and generate adverse spillovers to the rest of the monetary union: What the subsidizing country gains, the other ...
2023| Christian Bayer, Alexander Kriwoluzky, Gernot J. Müller, Fabian Seyrich
Diskussionspapiere 2055 / 2023
This paper focuses on decentralized energy in Germany and how households’ environmental behavior in terms of energy consumption is shaped in these contexts. It sets out to gain a more precise understanding of whether decentralized energy initiatives are a good tool to promote the adoption of renewable energies and engagement in other sustainable behaviors to mitigate global warming. This study would ...
2023| Alessandro De Palma, Marco Faillo, Roberto Gabriele
Diskussionspapiere 2054 / 2023
While wind power is considered key in the transition towards net zero, there are concerns about adverse health impacts on nearby residents. Based on precise geographical coordinates, we link a representative longitudinal household panel to all wind turbines in Germany and exploit their staggered rollout over two decades for identification. We do not find evidence of negative effects on general, mental, ...
2023| Christian Krekel, Johannes Rode, Alexander Roth
Diskussionspapiere 2053 / 2023
High growth firms (HGFs) are important for job creation and considered to be precursors of economic growth. We investigate how product- and labor-market regulations, as well as the quality of regional governments that implement these regulations, affect HGF development across European regions. Using data from Eurostat, OECD, WEF, and Gothenburg University, we show that both regulatory stringency and ...
2023| Sara Amoroso, Benedikt Herrmann, Alexander S. Kritikos
Diskussionspapiere 2052 / 2023
This study analyses the behavioural response of travellers on a temporal reduction of public transport prices in Germany through the so-called 9 Euro Ticket during summer 2022. The focus is on the inertia effect, e.g. the resistance to change behaviour, on people's travel mode decisions for commuter trips. We estimate mixed logit models for nearly 7,000 commuter trips, based on GPS-tracking data collected ...
2023| Maria Fernanda Guajardo Ortega, Heike Link
Diskussionspapiere 2051 / 2023
Applying universal ownership theory and drawing on multiple-case studies, this article analyzes what drives institutional investors to engage with government entities and what challenges they find in the process. We relied on document analysis and conducted twelve semi-structured interviews with representatives from asset owners, asset managers, investor associations, and academia. We identify a trend ...
2023| Camila Yamahaki, Catherine Marchewitz
Diskussionspapiere 2050 / 2023
We construct the first measure of collateral re-use at the bank and bond level for the European repo market using a regulatory transaction dataset. We show that banks materially increase the rate of re-use in response to tightened asset scarcity induced by the Eurosystem’s asset purchase program. We find that dealers accommodate clients’ demand for safe assets rather than liquidity and profit from ...
2023| Justus Inhoffen, Iman van Lelyveld
Diskussionspapiere 2049 / 2023
Our paper contributes to the literature studying how household conditions can influence children’s development, focusing on the type of family model where children grow up, defined on the basis of parental employment status and relative earnings. The traditional “male-breadwinner” model is no longer the only type of family that has been observed throughout recent decades; the “dual-breadwinner” family ...
2023| Elena Claudia Meroni, Francesca Verga
Diskussionspapiere 2048 / 2023
Various stakeholders are increasingly encouraging companies from the real economy to adopt measures facilitating their transition towards carbon neutrality. In this context, companies are expected to implement forward-looking strategies and climate-related reporting practices using scenario analysis aligned with scientific evidence and credible pathways to net zero carbon emissions. This paper examines ...
2023| Fernanda Ballesteros, Franziska Schütze, Catherine Marchewitz, Alexandra Hüttel
Diskussionspapiere 2047 / 2023
This paper deals with the data generation process implemented for an analysis of the impact of the 9-Euro ticket on mode choice. We discuss the assumptions made and procedures used to process a raw dataset that is based on GPS traces of individuals’ movements and on survey data into the choice-set for a discrete choice model. Several steps of cleaning and merging are described in order to a) obtain ...
2023| Heike Link, Dennis Gaus, Neil Murray, Maria Fernanda Guajardo Ortega, Flavien Gervois, Frederik von Waldow, Sofia Eigner
Diskussionspapiere 2046 / 2023
We analyze the impact of women’s managerial representation on the gender pay gap among employees on the establishment level using German Linked-Employer-Employee- Data from the years 2004 to 2018. For identification of a causal effect we employ a panel model with establishment fixed effects and industry-specific time dummies. Our results show that a higher share of women in management significantly ...
2023| Virginia Sondergeld, Katharina Wrohlich
Diskussionspapiere 2045 / 2023
As research indicates a gap between complex scientific measures of accessibility and simpler proxies used by firms, this paper analyses the impact of several market access indicators on the location decision of firms. It compares the role of inter- and intra-industry agglomeration as proxies of access with a newly developed gravity-based indicator incorporating transport distances and industry relations. ...
2023| Dennis Gaus, Georg Hirte
Diskussionspapiere 2044 / 2023
How does a monetary union alter the impact of business cycle shocks at the household level? We develop a Heterogeneous Agent New Keynesian model of two countries (HANK2) and show in closed form that a monetary union shifts the adjustment to a shock horizontally—across countries—within the brackets of the union-wide wealth distribution rather than vertically—that is, across the brackets of the union-wide ...
2023| Christian Bayer, Alexander Kriwoluzky, Gernot J. Müller, Fabian Seyrich
Diskussionspapiere 2043 / 2023
Our paper contributes to the discussion about Europe’s digital sovereignty. We analyze the relationship between firm performance and the diversification of sourcing countries for imported ICT goods. The analysis is based on administrative data for 3888 German manufacturing firms that imported ICT goods in the years 2010 and 2014. We find that firms that diversify the sourcing of ICT goods across multiple ...
2023| Alexander Schiersch, Irene Bertschek, Thomas Niebel
Diskussionspapiere 2042 / 2023
This paper provides causal evidence on the effect of credit crunches on political polarization. We combine data on bank-firm connections and electoral outcomes at the city-level during the 2008-2014 Spanish Financial Crisis. First, we show that firms in a relationship with weak banks experience a reduction in their loan supply and employment growth. Next, we estimate the effects of unemployment on ...
2023| Pia Hüttl, Simon Baumgartner
Diskussionspapiere 2041 / 2023
This paper provides a comprehensive evaluation of the world’s largest environmental tax reform. We compare carbon and air pollutant emissions of the German transport sector and synthetic counterfactuals following the 1999 eco-tax reform, and find average re- ductions in external damages of around 80 billion Euros. We further show that the eco-tax induced low-carbon innovation and document much stronger ...
2023| Pier Basaglia, Sophie M. Behr, Moritz A. Drupp
Diskussionspapiere 2040 / 2023
We empirically analyze the heterogeneous welfare effects of unemployment insurance and social assistance. We estimate a structural life-cycle model of singles' and married couples' labor supply and savings decisions. The model includes heterogeneity by age, education, wealth, sex and household composition. In aggregate, social assistance dominates unemployment insurance; however, the opposite holds ...
2023| Peter Haan, Victoria Prowse
Diskussionspapiere 2039 / 2023
We examine how competition affects VAT pass-through in isolated oligopolistic markets as defined by the Greek islands. Using daily gasoline prices and a difference-in-differences methodology, we investigate how changes in VAT rates are passed through to consumers in islands with different market structure. We show that pass-through increases with competition, going from 50% in monopoly to around 80% ...
2023| Lydia Dimitrakopoulou, Christos Genakos, Themistoklis Kampouris, Stella Papadokonstantaki