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27 Ergebnisse, ab 1
  • 7. - 9. Oktober 2024

    Graduate Center Masterclasses

    Effects of Shocks in Nonlinear and Non-Gaussian Environments

    Speaker: Christian Matthes
    Ort: Karl Popper Room
    DIW Berlin
    Room 2.3.020
    Mohrenstr. 58
    10117 Berlin
    Zeit: 13.30-15.00h
    (on all three days)

    What this course is about: The study of nonlinearities permeates modern macroeconomics.This course will introduce tools to estimate the possibly nonlinear effects of various (possibly non-Gaussian) economic shocks. The tools/models we will cover come in two classes: 1. Models where nonlinearities and non-Gaussianity help to identify shocks2. Models where identification assumptions (such as ...

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  • 15. Oktober 2024


    Book a Scientist
    Das Speeddating mit der Wissenschaft

    Speaker: Florian Griese, Martin Gornig, Karsten Neuhoff, Theresa Entringer, Adrián Santonja di Fonzo
    Zeit: 10.00 Uhr bis 11.30 Uhr und 16.00 bis 17.30 Uhr

    Wer nicht fragt, bleibt dumm – das wusste schon die Sesamstraße. Bei "Book a Scientist" haben Sie die Chance, sich 25 Minuten lang mit einer Expertin oder einem Experten der Leibniz-Gemeinschaft auszutauschen und alles zu fragen, was Sie schon immer zu Ihrem Lieblingsthema wissen wollten. Die individuellen, 25-minütigen Einzelgespräche finden am 15. Oktober 2024 zwischen 10-11.30 Uhr ...

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  • 15. Oktober 2024

    Schumpeter BSoE Macro Seminar

    Schumpeter Berlin School of Economics Macro Seminar

    Speaker: N.N.
    Ort: Elinor Ostrom Hall
    DIW Berlin
    Mohrenstr. 58
    10117 Berlin
    Zeit: 16:00-18:00 c.t.

    The Schumpeter-BSoE-Seminar is the Berlin Macro and Economic History seminar. It is jointly organized by Michael Burda (HU Berlin), Britta Gehrke (FU Berlin), Frank Heinemann (TU Berlin), Alexander Kriwoluzky (DIW Berlin), Josefin Meyer (DIW) and Nikolaus Wolf (HU Berlin).

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  • 16. Oktober 2024

    Brown Bag Seminar Industrial Economics

    Brown Bag Seminar Industrial Economics

    Speaker: Yann Delaprez, LUISS University
    11:30 - 12:30
    Francine D. Blau Room 3.3.002B + 3.3.002C

    The Brown Bag Seminar Industrial Economics organized by the Firms and Markets Department provides an opportunity to present on-going research, focuses on advances in applied microeconomics, industrial organization, and economic policy issues, serves as a forum for discussing both academic and project-related research and intends to provide a platform for the exchange of ideas. Coordination: ...

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  • 16. - 30. Oktober 2024


    Learn to use the SOEP over lunch

    Speaker: Sandra Bohmann
    Ort: Online-Event
    Zeit: 12:00-13:30

    The German Socio-Economic Panel Study is a representative panel study for the German population, collecting data on a broad variety of topics of everyday life, including general well-being, household composition, educational aspirations and educational status, income and occupational biographies, leisure time activities, housing, health, political orientation and more. With its long running panel ...

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  • 18. Oktober 2024


    Open-source modelling of the future role of renewable hydrogen in Germany and Europe

    Speaker: Konstantin Löffler (TU), Nikita Moskalenko, Lisa Zeyen (TU), Lukas Barner, Tim Mielich (TU), Carlos David Gaete Morales, Dana Kirchem, Franziska Holz
    Ort: TU Berlin
    Room H2035
    Straße des 17. Juni 135
    10623 Berlin

    The final workshop of the Einstein research project “Open-Source Modeling of the Role of Renewable Hydrogen in Germany and Europe” will take place as part of this year's InfraDay, a free conference organized annually by TU Berlin. The research project (project website) has been running since November 2021 and will be completed at the end of October. The aim of the project, which was carried out by ...

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  • 22. Oktober 2024

    Schumpeter BSoE Macro Seminar

    Schumpeter Berlin School of Economics Macro Seminar

    Speaker: Christoph Görtz (Augsburg University)
    Ort: Elinor Ostrom Hall
    DIW Berlin
    Mohrenstr. 58
    10117 Berlin
    Zeit: 16:00-18:00 c.t.

    The Schumpeter-BSoE-Seminar is the Berlin Macro and Economic History seminar. It is jointly organized by Michael Burda (HU Berlin), Britta Gehrke (FU Berlin), Frank Heinemann (TU Berlin), Alexander Kriwoluzky (DIW Berlin), Josefin Meyer (DIW) and Nikolaus Wolf (HU Berlin).

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  • 24. - 25. Oktober 2024


    Workshop on Life-course Inequality Dynamics

    Speaker: Cecilia García Peñalosa (Aix-Marseille School of Economics , Giacomo Corneo (Freie Universität Berlin)
    Ort: Elinor Ostrom Hall
    DIW Berlin
    Mohrenstr. 58
    10117 Berlin

    Concerns about inequality and questions of social justice and cohesion have re-entered the public arena and animate debate. In his Nobel prize lecture in 2015, Angus Deaton has outlined three imperatives that are key to understanding inequalities and formulating welfare-enhancing policies: (I) Differences in resources across individuals should be measured not only at specific points in time but ...

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  • 29. Oktober 2024

    Schumpeter BSoE Macro Seminar

    Schumpeter Berlin School of Economics Macro Seminar

    Speaker: Kathrin Schlafmann (Copenhagen Business School)
    Ort: Elinor Ostrom Hall
    DIW Berlin
    Mohrenstr. 58
    10117 Berlin
    Zeit: 16:00-18:00 c.t.

    The Schumpeter-BSoE-Seminar is the Berlin Macro and Economic History seminar. It is jointly organized by Michael Burda (HU Berlin), Britta Gehrke (FU Berlin), Frank Heinemann (TU Berlin), Alexander Kriwoluzky (DIW Berlin), Josefin Meyer (DIW) and Nikolaus Wolf (HU Berlin).

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  • 5. November 2024

    Schumpeter BSoE Macro Seminar

    Schumpeter Berlin School of Economics Macro Seminar

    Speaker: Miren Azkarate-Askasua (University of Mannheim)
    Ort: Elinor Ostrom Hall
    DIW Berlin
    Mohrenstr. 58
    10117 Berlin
    Zeit: 16:00-18:00 c.t.

    The Schumpeter-BSoE-Seminar is the Berlin Macro and Economic History seminar. It is jointly organized by Michael Burda (HU Berlin), Britta Gehrke (FU Berlin), Frank Heinemann (TU Berlin), Alexander Kriwoluzky (DIW Berlin), Josefin Meyer (DIW) and Nikolaus Wolf (HU Berlin).

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  • 6. November 2024

    Brown Bag Seminar Industrial Economics

    Brown Bag Seminar Industrial Economics

    Speaker: Robert M. Feinberg, American University
    11:30 - 12:30
    Francine D. Blau Room 3.3.002B + 3.3.002C

    The Brown Bag Seminar Industrial Economics organized by the Firms and Markets Department provides an opportunity to present on-going research, focuses on advances in applied microeconomics, industrial organization, and economic policy issues, serves as a forum for discussing both academic and project-related research and intends to provide a platform for the exchange of ideas. Coordination: ...

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  • 11. - 13. November 2024

    Scientific Skills Workshops

    Job Market Interview Training (“Mock Interviews”)

    Speaker: Sigrid Pearson
    Ort: Karl Popper Room
    DIW Berlin
    Room 2.3.020
    Mohrenstr. 58
    10117 Berlin
    Zeit: Individual start times, 90 min each session

    A face to face interview is something every student will go through at some point in their career. In the academic job market, it is the central process to convince potential employers of your future research prospects. Outside academia the focus is less on research, but performing well in the interview is nonetheless essential to get the job you want. Handling a job interview successfully is not ...

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  • 12. November 2024

    Schumpeter BSoE Macro Seminar

    Schumpeter Berlin School of Economics Macro Seminar

    Speaker: Markus Ludwig (TU Braunschweig)
    Ort: Elinor Ostrom Hall
    DIW Berlin
    Mohrenstr. 58
    10117 Berlin
    Zeit: 16:00-18:00 c.t.

    The Schumpeter-BSoE-Seminar is the Berlin Macro and Economic History seminar. It is jointly organized by Michael Burda (HU Berlin), Britta Gehrke (FU Berlin), Frank Heinemann (TU Berlin), Alexander Kriwoluzky (DIW Berlin), Josefin Meyer (DIW) and Nikolaus Wolf (HU Berlin).

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  • 19. November 2024

    Schumpeter BSoE Macro Seminar

    Schumpeter Berlin School of Economics Macro Seminar

    Speaker: N.N.
    Ort: Elinor Ostrom Hall
    DIW Berlin
    Mohrenstr. 58
    10117 Berlin
    Zeit: 16:00-18:00 c.t.

    The Schumpeter-BSoE-Seminar is the Berlin Macro and Economic History seminar. It is jointly organized by Michael Burda (HU Berlin), Britta Gehrke (FU Berlin), Frank Heinemann (TU Berlin), Alexander Kriwoluzky (DIW Berlin), Josefin Meyer (DIW) and Nikolaus Wolf (HU Berlin).

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  • 25. - 26. November 2024

    Scientific Skills Workshops

    Good Scientific Writing in English

    Speaker: Tim Korver
    Ort: Online-Event
    25.11.2024: 09:00-16:30
    26.11.2024: 09:00-13:00

    The DIW Graduate Center is pleased to offer a workshop on writing good texts for academic journals. It is designed for all doctoral students and researchers at DIW who would like to improve their English writing skills. Please register with Laura Starck (lstarck@diw.de) by November 1st, 2024 for the workshop. Please note: Registrations will be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis.

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  • 26. - 27. November 2024

    Scientific Skills Workshops

    Giving Academic Presentations

    Speaker: Tim Korver
    Ort: Anna-J.-Schwartz-Raum
    DIW Berlin
    Room 5.2.010
    Mohrenstr. 58
    10117 Berlin
    26.11.2024: 14:00-17:30
    27.11.2024: 09:30-16:30

    The DIW Graduate Center is pleased to offer a workshop on giving scientific presentations. It is designed for all doctoral students and researchers at the DIW who would like to improve their skills in talking in front of an audience. Please register with Laura Starck (lstarck@diw.de) by Novemver 1st, 2024 for the workshop. Please note: Registrations will be accepted on a first-come, first-served ...

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  • 26. November 2024

    Schumpeter BSoE Macro Seminar

    Schumpeter Berlin School of Economics Macro Seminar

    Speaker: Omar Rachedi (Esade Business School/Ramon Llull University)
    Ort: Elinor Ostrom Hall
    DIW Berlin
    Mohrenstr. 58
    10117 Berlin
    Zeit: 16:00-18:00 c.t.

    The Schumpeter-BSoE-Seminar is the Berlin Macro and Economic History seminar. It is jointly organized by Michael Burda (HU Berlin), Britta Gehrke (FU Berlin), Frank Heinemann (TU Berlin), Alexander Kriwoluzky (DIW Berlin), Josefin Meyer (DIW) and Nikolaus Wolf (HU Berlin).

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  • 3. Dezember 2024

    Schumpeter BSoE Macro Seminar

    Schumpeter Berlin School of Economics Macro Seminar

    Speaker: Anton Nakov (European Central Bank)
    Ort: Elinor Ostrom Hall
    DIW Berlin
    Mohrenstr. 58
    10117 Berlin
    Zeit: 16:00-18:00 c.t.

    The Schumpeter-BSoE-Seminar is the Berlin Macro and Economic History seminar. It is jointly organized by Michael Burda (HU Berlin), Britta Gehrke (FU Berlin), Frank Heinemann (TU Berlin), Alexander Kriwoluzky (DIW Berlin), Josefin Meyer (DIW) and Nikolaus Wolf (HU Berlin).

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  • 10. Dezember 2024

    Schumpeter BSoE Macro Seminar

    Schumpeter Berlin School of Economics Macro Seminar

    Speaker: N.N.
    Ort: Elinor Ostrom Hall
    DIW Berlin
    Mohrenstr. 58
    10117 Berlin
    Zeit: 16:00-18:00 c.t.

    The Schumpeter-BSoE-Seminar is the Berlin Macro and Economic History seminar. It is jointly organized by Michael Burda (HU Berlin), Britta Gehrke (FU Berlin), Frank Heinemann (TU Berlin), Alexander Kriwoluzky (DIW Berlin), Josefin Meyer (DIW) and Nikolaus Wolf (HU Berlin).

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  • 17. Dezember 2024

    Schumpeter BSoE Macro Seminar

    Schumpeter Berlin School of Economics Macro Seminar

    Speaker: N.N.
    Ort: Elinor Ostrom Hall
    DIW Berlin
    Mohrenstr. 58
    10117 Berlin
    Zeit: 16:00-18:00 c.t.

    The Schumpeter-BSoE-Seminar is the Berlin Macro and Economic History seminar. It is jointly organized by Michael Burda (HU Berlin), Britta Gehrke (FU Berlin), Frank Heinemann (TU Berlin), Alexander Kriwoluzky (DIW Berlin), Josefin Meyer (DIW) and Nikolaus Wolf (HU Berlin).

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  • 7. Januar 2025

    Schumpeter BSoE Macro Seminar

    Schumpeter Berlin School of Economics Macro Seminar

    Speaker: Volker Nitsch (TU Darmstadt)
    Ort: Elinor Ostrom Hall
    DIW Berlin
    Mohrenstr. 58
    10117 Berlin
    Zeit: 16:00-18:00 c.t.

    The Schumpeter-BSoE-Seminar is the Berlin Macro and Economic History seminar. It is jointly organized by Michael Burda (HU Berlin), Britta Gehrke (FU Berlin), Frank Heinemann (TU Berlin), Alexander Kriwoluzky (DIW Berlin), Josefin Meyer (DIW) and Nikolaus Wolf (HU Berlin).

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  • 14. Januar 2025

    Schumpeter BSoE Macro Seminar

    Schumpeter Berlin School of Economics Macro Seminar

    Speaker: N.N.
    Ort: Elinor Ostrom Hall
    DIW Berlin
    Mohrenstr. 58
    10117 Berlin
    Zeit: 16:00-18:00 c.t.

    The Schumpeter-BSoE-Seminar is the Berlin Macro and Economic History seminar. It is jointly organized by Michael Burda (HU Berlin), Britta Gehrke (FU Berlin), Frank Heinemann (TU Berlin), Alexander Kriwoluzky (DIW Berlin), Josefin Meyer (DIW) and Nikolaus Wolf (HU Berlin).

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  • 21. Januar 2025

    Schumpeter BSoE Macro Seminar

    Schumpeter Berlin School of Economics Macro Seminar

    Speaker: Laura Sunder-Plassmann (University of Rostock)
    Ort: Elinor Ostrom Hall
    DIW Berlin
    Mohrenstr. 58
    10117 Berlin
    Zeit: 16:00-18:00 c.t.

    The Schumpeter-BSoE-Seminar is the Berlin Macro and Economic History seminar. It is jointly organized by Michael Burda (HU Berlin), Britta Gehrke (FU Berlin), Frank Heinemann (TU Berlin), Alexander Kriwoluzky (DIW Berlin), Josefin Meyer (DIW) and Nikolaus Wolf (HU Berlin).

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  • 28. Januar 2025

    Schumpeter BSoE Macro Seminar

    Schumpeter Berlin School of Economics Macro Seminar

    Speaker: N.N.
    Ort: Elinor Ostrom Hall
    DIW Berlin
    Mohrenstr. 58
    10117 Berlin
    Zeit: 16:00-18:00 c.t.

    The Schumpeter-BSoE-Seminar is the Berlin Macro and Economic History seminar. It is jointly organized by Michael Burda (HU Berlin), Britta Gehrke (FU Berlin), Frank Heinemann (TU Berlin), Alexander Kriwoluzky (DIW Berlin), Josefin Meyer (DIW) and Nikolaus Wolf (HU Berlin).

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  • 4. Februar 2025

    Schumpeter BSoE Macro Seminar

    Schumpeter Berlin School of Economics Macro Seminar

    Speaker: N.N.
    Ort: Elinor Ostrom Hall
    DIW Berlin
    Mohrenstr. 58
    10117 Berlin
    Zeit: 16:00-18:00 c.t.

    The Schumpeter-BSoE-Seminar is the Berlin Macro and Economic History seminar. It is jointly organized by Michael Burda (HU Berlin), Britta Gehrke (FU Berlin), Frank Heinemann (TU Berlin), Alexander Kriwoluzky (DIW Berlin), Josefin Meyer (DIW) and Nikolaus Wolf (HU Berlin).

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  • 11. Februar 2025

    Schumpeter BSoE Macro Seminar

    Schumpeter Berlin School of Economics Macro Seminar

    Speaker: Giovanni Ricco (University of Warwick)
    Ort: Elinor Ostrom Hall
    DIW Berlin
    Mohrenstr. 58
    10117 Berlin
    Zeit: 16:00-18:00 c.t.

    The Schumpeter-BSoE-Seminar is the Berlin Macro and Economic History seminar. It is jointly organized by Michael Burda (HU Berlin), Britta Gehrke (FU Berlin), Frank Heinemann (TU Berlin), Alexander Kriwoluzky (DIW Berlin), Josefin Meyer (DIW) and Nikolaus Wolf (HU Berlin).

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  • 27. Mai 2025


    100 Jahre DIW Berlin
    Zentrale Jubiläumsveranstaltung

    Zeit: 16 Uhr bis 22 Uhr

    Im Jahr 2025 wird das Deutsche Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung (DIW Berlin) 100 Jahre alt. Die zentrale Festveranstaltung findet am 27. Mai 2025 ab 16 Uhr im Langenbeck-Virchow-Haus in Berlin Mitte statt. Gemeinsam mit Wegbegleiter*innen aus Wissenschaft, Politik wollen wir auf 100 Jahre Wirtschaftsforschung zurückblicken. Die Teilnahme ist ausschließlich per persönlicher Einladung möglich. ...

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27 Ergebnisse, ab 1