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Brown Bag Seminar Industrial Economics


The Brown Bag seminar Industrial Economics organized by the Firms and Markets Department:

  • provides an opportunity to present on-going research,
  • focuses on advances in applied microeconomics, industrial organization, and economic policy issues,
  • serves as a forum for discussing both academic and project-related research,
  • intends to provide a platform for the exchange of ideas.

Time: Wednesday, 11:30 - 12:30

Coordination: Jonas Hannane

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161 Ergebnisse, ab 1
  • 6. November 2024

    Brown Bag Seminar Industrial Economics

    Brown Bag Seminar Industrial Economics

    Speaker: Robert M. Feinberg, American University
    11:30 - 12:30
    Francine D. Blau Room 3.3.002B + 3.3.002C

    The Brown Bag Seminar Industrial Economics organized by the Firms and Markets Department provides an opportunity to present on-going research, focuses on advances in applied microeconomics, industrial organization, and economic policy issues, serves as a forum for discussing both academic and project-related research and intends to provide a platform for the exchange of ideas. Coordination: ...

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  • 16. Oktober 2024

    Brown Bag Seminar Industrial Economics

    Brown Bag Seminar Industrial Economics

    Speaker: Yann Delaprez, LUISS University
    11:30 - 12:30
    Francine D. Blau Room 3.3.002B + 3.3.002C

    The Brown Bag Seminar Industrial Economics organized by the Firms and Markets Department provides an opportunity to present on-going research, focuses on advances in applied microeconomics, industrial organization, and economic policy issues, serves as a forum for discussing both academic and project-related research and intends to provide a platform for the exchange of ideas. Coordination: ...

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  • Vergangene Veranstaltungen

  • 2. Oktober 2024

    Brown Bag Seminar Industrial Economics

    Broken Ties: Impact of Venezuela’s Suspension from Mercosur on Trade Networks

    Speaker: Sonali Chowdhry, DIW Berlin
    11:30 - 12:30
    Karl Popper Room 2.3.020

    This paper examines the impact of sanctions on the structure of regional supply chains, focusing on Venezuela's suspension from the Mercosur trade bloc in 2016. To analyze this, we exploit a uniquely comprehensive database encompassing firm-to-firm transactions across several Latin American economies from 2014 to 2019. Our findings reveal how buyer-supplier linkages adapted to the shock along ...

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  • 10. Juli 2024

    Brown Bag Seminar Industrial Economics

    Agents, Landlords and Tenants: Price Regulation in a Thick Two-sided Market

    Speaker: Jan David Bakker, Bocconi University
    11:30 - 12:30
    Francine D. Blau Room 3.3.002B + 3.3.002C

    This paper examines the impacts of new policies aimed at reducing the cost of renting by regulating the actions of intermediaries in the rental market. We highlight how information frictions between buyers and intermediaries can give rise to rents in the thick two-sided market. The distribution of these rents between intermediaries and sellers, as well as the impact of price regulation, depends on ...

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  • 3. Juli 2024

    Brown Bag Seminar Industrial Economics

    New Trade Models, Same Old Emissions?

    Speaker: Robin Sogalla, DIW Berlin
    11:30 - 12:30
    Ferdinand Friedensburg Room 2.3.001

    This paper investigates the elusive role of productivity heterogeneity in new trade models in the trade and environment nexus. We contrast the Eaton-Kortum and the Melitz models with firm heterogeneity to the Armington and Krugman models without heterogeneity. We show that if firms have a constant emission share in terms of sales — as they do in a wide range of trade and environment models — the ...

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  • 17. April 2024

    Brown Bag Seminar Industrial Economics

    Wage Markups and Buyer Power in Intermediate Input Markets

    Speaker: Leonard Treuren, KU Leuven
    11:30 - 12:30
    Francine D. Blau Room 3.3.002B + 3.3.002C

    How are market imperfections in different input markets related? I show theoretically that the extent of buyer power in intermediate input markets determines both wages and wages relative to the marginal revenue contribution of employees if collective bargaining characterizes labor markets. This relationship is examined empirically using data on the universe of Dutch manufacturing firms from 2007 ...

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  • 10. April 2024

    Brown Bag Seminar Industrial Economics

    Brown Bag Seminar Industrial Economics

    Speaker: Christina Stadler, DIW Berlin & KU Leuven
    11:30 - 12:30
    Francine D. Blau Room 3.3.002B + 3.3.002C

    The Brown Bag Seminar Industrial Economics organized by the Firms and Markets Department provides an opportunity to present on-going research, focuses on advances in applied microeconomics, industrial organization, and economic policy issues, serves as a forum for discussing both academic and project-related research and intends to provide a platform for the exchange of ideas. Coordination: ...

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  • 27. März 2024

    Brown Bag Seminar Industrial Economics

    Firm Heterogeneity and Carbon Leakage in the Production Network

    Speaker: Robin Sogalla, DIW Berlin
    11:30 - 12:30
    Francine D. Blau Room 3.3.002B + 3.3.002C

    The Brown Bag Seminar Industrial Economics organized by the Firms and Markets Department provides an opportunity to present on-going research, focuses on advances in applied microeconomics, industrial organization, and economic policy issues, serves as a forum for discussing both academic and project-related research and intends to provide a platform for the exchange of ideas. Coordination: ...

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  • 14. Februar 2024

    Brown Bag Seminar Industrial Economics

    Growing Clean? Directing Technological Change in Germany

    Speaker: Nils Handler, DIW Berlin
    11:30 - 12:30
    Francine D. Blau Room 3.3.002B + 3.3.002C

    The emerging net zero paradigm requires economies to go green; and Europe’s ambition is to lead the way. This requires directing technological change toward cleaner growth, which intersects with green industrial policies in the form of green innovation subsidies. Leveraging a quasi-exhaustive novel dataset on German R&D subsidies, we provide rigorous evidence on whether green R&D subsidies ...

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  • 31. Januar 2024

    Brown Bag Seminar Industrial Economics

    Entrepreneurial Ecosystems in Germany: A Complexity Approach

    Speaker: Nils Handler, DIW Berlin
    11:30 - 12:30
    Francine D. Blau Room 3.3.002B + 3.3.002C

    The interplay of technology and knowledge constitutes the backbone of entrepreneurial ecosystems, crucial for fostering innovation. This study applies the economic complexity approach as a tool for quantitatively evaluating these ecosystems in German labor market regions. Our contribution to the literature involves linking comprehensive micro-datasets encompassing economic sectors and patent data ...

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  • 17. Januar 2024

    Brown Bag Seminar Industrial Economics

    Who Is AI Replacing? The Impact of Generative AI on Online Freelancing Platforms

    Speaker: Jonas Hannane, DIW Berlin
    11:30 - 12:30
    Francine D. Blau Room 3.3.002B + 3.3.002C

    This paper studies the impact of generative AI technology on the demand for online freelancers using a large dataset from a leading global freelancing platform. We focus on how the release of generative AI tools affects various freelance jobs that require different skills or software. Our findings indicate a 21 percent decrease following the ChatGPT introduction in the number of job posts for ...

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  • 1. November 2023

    Brown Bag Seminar Industrial Economics

    BigTech and Start-Ups: Multi-Product Mergers and Innovation

    Speaker: Claudia Salim, University of Klagenfurt
    11:30 - 12:00
    Francine D. Blau Room 3.3.002B + 3.3.002C

    The acquisitions of startups by Google, Amazon, Meta, Amazon and Microsoft have steadily increased over the past years and have become more diversified. The current discussion about strategic motives for such acquisitions is vivid – especially in light of present concerns about the market power of gatekeepers, faster technological advances and digitalization. The principal question remains whether ...

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  • 18. Oktober 2023

    Brown Bag Seminar Industrial Economics

    Heterogeneous Sourcing, CO2 Emissions and Trade

    Speaker: Robin Sogalla, DIW Berlin
    11:30 - 12:30
    Francine D. Blau Room 3.3.002B + 3.3.002C

    International trade separates the location where emissions occur (production) and where they are ultimately consumed. Thus, a substantial share of emissions is embodied in international trade. Moreover, firms within narrowly defined industries differ in their emission intensity. However, most firm-level studies only consider the direct emissions released during the production process. In this ...

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  • 20. September 2023

    Brown Bag Seminar Industrial Economics

    Local Currency Pricing by Firms: Evidence from China’s Renminbi (RMB) Reforms

    Speaker: Sonali Chowdhry, DIW Berlin
    11:30 - 12:30
    Francine D. Blau Room 3.3.002B + 3.3.002C

    This paper examines the impact of RMB internationalization reforms on invoicing currency choices of firms exporting to China. Using detailed French customs data spanning 2011-2017, it documents three novel stylized facts on RMB adoption and suggests a novel mechanism that drives the self-selection of firms into RMB invoicing. Additionally, it provides causal estimates of the impact of RMB use on ...

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  • 28. Juni 2023

    Brown Bag Seminar Industrial Economics

    How Divestitures Affect Bargaining Power

    Speaker: Yann Delaprez, European University Institute
    11:30 - 12:30
    Francine D. Blau Room 3.3.002B+C

    This paper studies how bargaining power is affected by merger and divestiture policies. I provide a new empirical framework to compute bounds on brand-level bargaining weights using widely available sales data. Next, I exploit the variation in brand ownership caused by a large merger, cleared conditional on divestiture, in the U.S. deodorant market, to quantify the extent to which divestitures ...

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  • 14. Juni 2023

    Brown Bag Seminar Industrial Economics

    What is the Right Geographic Market Definition?

    Speaker: Themistoklis Kampouris, DIW Berlin
    11:30 - 12:00
    Francine D. Blau Room 3.3.002B+C

    What is the “right” geographic definition of relevant markets? We study how unexpected and exogenous increases in excise duties in petroleum products were passed-through to retail prices in the Athens region and examine how the degree of the pass-through varies across different geographic relevant markets. Using various definitions of the relevant geographic market, we find that the most ...

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  • 7. Juni 2023

    Brown Bag Seminar Industrial Economics

    When Competition is not Desired: the Case of Antibiotic Prescribing

    Speaker: Temulun Borjigen, DIW Berlin
    11:30 - 12:30
    Francine D. Blau Room 3.3.002B+C

    Antibiotics are effective in treating bacterial infections. However, the excessive usage of antibiotics leads to the development of antibiotic resistant bacteria, which significantly reduces their effectiveness. Current strategies to address antibiotic resistance mainly target primary care physicians, who serve as the gatekeepers of antibiotic prescriptions in many countries. Therefore, it is ...

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  • 17. Mai 2023

    Brown Bag Seminar Industrial Economics

    Government Ownership and Competition: Evidence from the European Airline Industry

    Speaker: Christina Stadler, DIW Berlin
    11:30 - 12:30
    Francine D. Blau Room 3.3.002B+C

    This paper empirically analyses the impact of government ownership on competition in monopoly and duopoly markets. We use the European Airline Industry as a laboratory. In our empirical strategy we exploit two sources of exogenous variations that allow us to cleanly filter out the effect of government ownership on the likelihood of exit. First, we study government ownership that was triggered by a ...

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  • 3. Mai 2023

    Brown Bag Seminar Industrial Economics

    Limited Price Competition Among Real Estate Agents and the Role of Inattention

    Speaker: Julius Stoll, Hertie School
    11:30 - 12:30
    Francine D. Blau Room 3.3.002B+C

    This paper relates incomplete price competition among real estate agents to inattentive home sellers. I exploit a recent legal reform in Germany which specifically aimed to increase price competition among real estate agents by raising the cost salience of sellers. I find that the reform backfired and real estate agents exploited the transition to increase their total commission rate by 0.3 ...

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  • 19. April 2023

    Brown Bag Seminar Industrial Economics

    Free Allocation and Exports

    Speaker: Robin Sogalla, DIW Berlin
    11:30 - 12:30
    Francine D. Blau Room 3.3.002B+C

    The European Emissions Trading System (EU-ETS) is the key policy tool of the EU to reduce GHG emissions. To prevent carbon leakage, most of the emission permits have been allocated for free in the industrial sector. A carbon border adjustment mechanism (CBAM) will be introduced end of 2023 as an alternative carbon leakage protection instrument. However, the CBAM will only gradually replace free ...

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161 Ergebnisse, ab 1