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2407 Ergebnisse, ab 2401
  • Referierte Aufsätze Web of Science

    Globalisation, Unemployment and Social Inequality: a Farewell to Welfare?

    In: Konjunkturpolitik 44 (1998), 1, S. 1-30 | Ludger Lindlar, Harald Trabold
  • Referierte Aufsätze Web of Science

    Integration, Trade Costs and the Export Behaviour of Firms: Empirical Evidence on the Venables Model

    In: Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv 134 (1998), 1, S. 133-139 | Harald Trabold
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    A Mixed Approach and a Distribution-Free Multiple Imputation Technique for the Estimation of a Multivariate Probit Model with Missing Values

    In the present paper a mixed generalized estimating/pseudo-score equations (GEPSE) approach together with a distribution-free multiple imputation technique is proposed for the estimation of regression and correlation structure parameters of multivariate probit models with missing values for an ordered categorical timeinvariant variable. Furthermore, a generalization of the squared trace correlation ...

    In: British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology 52 (1999), 1, S. 1-17 | Martin Spieß, Ferdinand Keller
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    Evaluation of a Pseudo-R2 Measure for Panel Probit Models

    A simulation study designed to evaluate the pseudo-R2T proposed in an earlier paper by Spiess and Keller suggests that, for the models considered, this measure represents the goodness of fit not only of the systematic part, but also of the assumed correlation structure in binary panel probit models.

    In: British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology 54 (2001), 2, S. 325-333 | Martin Spieß
  • Referierte Aufsätze Web of Science

    Stabilität und Wandel von Generationenbeziehungen

    In diesem Beitrag geht es um Stabilität und Wandel ost-und westdeutscher Generationenbeziehungen nach der Wiedervereinigung. Im Mittelpunkt der Betrachtung stehen erwachsene Kinder und Eltern, die nicht mehr im selben Haushalt leben. Die allermeisten Eltern und erwachsenen Kinder wohnen nicht weit voneinander entfernt und berichten von einem engen Verhältnis zueinander. Gleichzeitig stehen viele Eltern ...

    In: Zeitschrift für Soziologie 27 (1998), 4, S. 297-315 | Marc Szydlik, Jürgen Schupp
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    Messung von Dienstleistungen mit Hilfe von Haushaltsbefragungen

    In: Allgemeines Statistisches Archiv 85 (2001), 4, S. 79-86 | Jürgen Schupp, Gert G. Wagner
  • Referierte Aufsätze Web of Science

    Education, Employment, and Gender Inequality amongst Couples: A Comparative Analysis of Britain and Germany

    It is well understood that children benefit educationally the greater the education of their parents. However, transfers of the benefits of human capital within the home occur between partners too. The more educated an individual the more able he or she is to provide a partner with effective career support. Individuals will on average earn more the higher the education of their partner. This reciprocal ...

    In: European Sociological Review 16 (2000), 4, S. 349-365 | Malcolm Brynin, Jürgen Schupp
2407 Ergebnisse, ab 2401