ENTAILab - Research Infrastructure and Innovation Lab

Aktuelles Projekt


Prof. Dr. Sabine Zinn (SOEP)
Prof. Dr. Stefan Liebig (FU Berlin)


1. Juni 2024 - 31. Mai 2027


Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG)

The InfPP initiative aims to expand data access for social science research by utilizing existing large-scale surveys and infrastructures such as the SOEP Innovation Panel, the GESIS Panel, the GESIS Access Panel for digital behavioral data, and the NEPS Next cohorts. These platforms enable innovative surveys and experiments, including the selection of special-interest groups, linking different data forms, and incorporating technical innovations such as app-based surveys and API data collection. Additionally, joint surveys and pilot studies can be developed based on research needs and target populations.

Two central tasks are at the core of the Build on and Develop Existing Panel Studies work package. First, novel modules, such as new survey content or technical innovations, must be integrated into ongoing panel studies. This requires close coordination between the projects and infrastructures to ensure adherence to established standards. Second, the impact of these innovations on the overall quality of the data must be evaluated, considering factors such as participant engagement and non-response rates. This assessment is particularly important for long-running panels, as design changes can affect participant retention and data quality across different survey waves. Addressing these tasks ensures that the innovations contribute meaningfully to empirical social research.

DIW Team


Sabine Zinn
Sabine Zinn

Kommissarische Direktorin SOEP in der Infrastruktureinrichtung Sozio-oekonomisches Panel
