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Flexible Electricity Use for Heating in Markets with Renewable Energy

Discussion Papers 1769, 44 S.

Wolf-Peter Schill, Alexander Zerrahn


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Published in: Applied Energy 266 (2020), 114571


Using electricity for heating can contribute to decarbonization and provide flexibility to integrate variable renewable energy. We analyze the case of electric storage heaters in German 2030 scenarios with an open-source electricity sector model. Making customary night-time storage heaters temporally more flexible offers only moderate benefits because renewable availability during daytime is limited in the heating season. As storage heaters feature only short-term heat storage, they also cannot reconcile the seasonal mismatch of heat demand in winter and high renewable availability in summer. Generally, flexible electric heaters increase the use of generation technologies with low variable costs, which are not necessarily renewables.

Wolf-Peter Schill

Head of the research area „Transformation of the Energy Economy“ in the Energy, Transportation, Environment Department

JEL-Classification: C61;Q41;Q42
Keywords: Power-to-heat, renewable energy, electricity sector, power system model, flexibility, storage
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