29. April 2020

Sustainable Finance

Virtual Conference: German Sustainable Finance Strategy in a European Context


29. April 2020
11:00 - 12:30


Karsten Löffler, Kristina Jeromin, Anne-Claire Roux, Nikki Rupert, Ingmar Jürgens, Franziska Schütze

Co-organized by the Sustainable Finance Research Platform (SFRP) and Berlin Seminar on Energy and Climate Policy (BSEC)

Sustainable Finance is not only a key element of the climate policy agenda. In times of crisis, like the one we are currently experiencing, sustainable finance can also make substantial contributions to making our financial system more resilient, more sustainable and more transparent.

The following questions are of vital importance:

- Which approaches are countries taking to enhance the inclusion of climate and other sustainability risks in financing and investment decisions?

- How do they increase transparency about the impacts of such decisions on sustainable development, such that everybody can make well-informed investment and saving choices?

- What are the most plausible and most effective policy tools and approaches for unlocking the transformative role of the financial sector in shifting capital to where it is needed?

Our experts provided exclusive insights into where three European countries stand today, countries that are (or want to join others) at the forefront of sustainable finance.

These insights kick-offed a discussion on priorities and next steps for the German sustainable finance strategy.  

Speakers and moderators

  • Karsten Löffler, Frankfurt School of Finance & Management and co-head of the German Sustainable Finance Committee
  • Kristina Jeromin, Deutsche Börse and co-head of the German Sustainable Finance Committee
  • Anne-Claire Roux, Finance for Tomorrow
  • Nikki Rupert, de Nederlandsche Bank (Dutch Central Bank)


  • Franziska Schütze, DIW Berlin
  • Ingmar Jürgens, Frankfurt School of Finance & Management


Nikki Ruppert (PDF, 0.54 MB)

Anne-Claire Roux (PDF, 0.86 MB)

Karsten Löffler (PDF, 106.34 KB)



Franziska Schütze
Franziska Schütze

Stellvertretende Abteilungsleiterin in der Abteilung Klimapolitik
