BCCP Online Panel 2021 - Regulatory Challenges in Digital Markets: the Digital Markets Act

Video vom 18. Juni 2021

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BCCP Online Panel 2021: Regulatory Challenges in Digital Markets: the Digital Markets Act

This year’s online conference is focusing on the Digital Markets Act (DMA), the EU legislative proposal to regulate digital markets in order to prevent abuses of market power. This regulatory tool contains behavioral obligations for large online platforms (‘gatekeepers’) aimed at reducing entry barriers and ensuring fairness in the relationship between digital platforms and their different user groups. While focusing on the prohibitions and obligations laid out in the DMA, this conference will also discuss similar initiatives by other jurisdictions, including France, Germany, the UK, and the US. It brings together leading experts to discuss the road ahead for improving institutions, curbing dominant platforms’ market power, restoring competitive digital markets, as well as fostering entry and innovation for the good of society.