Die Veranstaltung wird wieder gemeinsam vom Deutschen Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung (DIW Berlin), dem Deutscher Juristinnenbund e.V. (djb) und dem Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin (WZB) ausgerichtet.
Auf dem Podium diskutieren Jutta Allmendinger, Präsidentin des WZB Berlin und Elke Holst, Forschungsdirektorin Gender Studies am DIW Berlin, mit Personalverantwortlichen aus Unternehmen.
Gender Studies at DIW Berlin is hosting a symposium on behavioral economics with an emphasis on gender issues. The keynote speaker is Julie A. Nelson (Professor of Economics at University of Massachusetts Boston, USA, leading writer of feminist economic thoughts, (co-)author of famous books like “Beyond Economic Man” and “Feminism, Objectivity, and Economics”.), who will...
04.07.2015| de Miranda, Katharina L.(University of Kiel)
Friedl, Andreas(Kiel Institute for the World Economy)
Katuscak, Peter(University of Arkansas and University of Economics in Prague)
Khachatryan, Elina(University of Kassel)
Andrea Kiss(CEU, Duke University)
Nelson, Julie A.(University of Massachusetts Boston)
Rau, Holger A.(University of Göttingen)
Schmitt, Norma(DIW Berlin)
Schröder, Melanie(University Hamburg)
van Veldhuizen, Roel(WZB, Berlin)
Weichselbaumer, Doris(JK University Linz)
Weissenrieder, Caprice(Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences)
DIW Europe Lecture
The German Institute for Economic Research (DIW Berlin) and the American Academy in Berlin cordially invite you to the public presentation on "Secular Stagnation in the Global Economy" Dr. Lawrence H. Summers, 71st United States Secretary of TreasuryPresident Emeritus and Charles Eliot University Professor, Harvard University.Dr. Summers will discuss the theory of secular stagnation and it...
29.05.2015| Lawrence H. Summers
The talk will focus on both old and new theories of benefits of trade for growth and middle-class incomes, with a particular focus on the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (T-TIP). It will also address the role of trade in helping to tackle a number of other broader challenges including climate change, global poverty and global imbalances.Jason Furman was confirmed by the Senate on...
20.04.2015| Jason Furman
Chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers, Chief Economist of Barack Obama / the White House of the United States of America
Deutschland bezeichnet sich gern als Hafen der Stabilität in einem wirtschaftlich unsicheren Europa. Aber ist es wirklich so, oder ist es eine Illusion? Wie hat sich Deutschland in den letzten 15 Jahren in der Selbstwahrnehmung verändert? Ende der 90-er Jahre beklagte Bundespräsident Herzog noch die mentale Depression, heute geben sich die Deutschen sehr selbstbewusst. Doch ist der...
18.12.2014| Günter Verheugen
Steffen Kampeter
Julia Dettmer, Marcel Fratzscher
Gender Studies at DIW Berlin and the project group Demography and Inequalityat the WZB Berlin Social Science Center and Humboldt-University Berlin cordially invite you to the lecture: Politics and Work Family Policies in the United States: Stalemate, Gender, Race and Class?Lecture:Ariane Hegewisch | Study Director at the Institut for Women´s Policy Research (IWPR), Washington D.C...
Keynotes:Thomas Hoenig (Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation) and Erkki Liikanen (Bank of Finland)Speaker and Panelists: Prof. Arnoud Boot (University of Amsterdam), Costanza Bufalini (UniCredit), Andrea Enria (European Banking Authority), Markus Ferber (MEP/EVP, Econ), Sven Giegold (MEP/The Greens), Prof. Charles Goodhart (London School of Economics), Andrew Gracie (Bank of England), Dr. Levin...
Davide Furceri | IMF Research DepartmentBergljot Barkbu | Deputy Representative, IMF Europe Office in Paris and Brussels As highlighted in the IMF's article IV consultation report for the euro area, investment across the euro area remains below its pre crisis level. Its performance has been weaker than in most previous recessions and financial crises. The IMF analysis shows that much of this...
Referent: Dr. Gaston Gelos, IWF Internationaler WährungsfondsModeration: Prof. Marcel Fratzscher, Ph.D., DIW BerlinDie Übernahme der Bankenaufsicht über Großbanken in der Europäischen Union durch die Europäische Zentralbank (EZB) steht kurz bevor. Das Ziel: stabile Finanzmärkte. Gaston Gelos stellt den vom Internationalen Währungsfonds (IWF) im Oktober 201...
Panel Discussion with Erik Nielsen, Global Chief Economist of UniCreditProf. Marcel Fratzscher, Ph.D., President and CEO of DIW Berlin and Professor of Macroeconomics and Finance at Humboldt-University BerlinProf. Mark Hallerberg, Ph.D., Professor for Public Management & Political Economy at Hertie School of GovernanceProf. Jörg Rocholl, Ph.D., President of European School of Management...
Gender Studies Tagung
Wie wollen wir künftig arbeiten und wirtschaften? Mit dieser Frage beschäftigt sich die 2. Gender Studies Tagung des DIW Berlin in Kooperation mit der Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung. Die Tagung stellt sich der Frage nach den Auswirkungen der bestehenden Strukturen auf die geschlechtsspezifische Verteilung von Arbeitsmarktchancen, Arbeitszeiten, Vermögen, Einkommen und Rente.
with Simeon Djankov, Peterson Institute for International Economics (PIIE)Moderation: Prof. Marcel Fratzscher, Ph.D., President and CEO of DIW Berlin and Professor of Macroeconomics and Finance at Humboldt-University BerlinThe problems inherent in the Eurozone formation were foreseen by many economic experts over the years. But when the Eurozone sovereign debt and banking crisis engulfed the...
Panelists: Prof. Marcel Fratzscher, PhD, President and CEO of DIW Berlin (German Institute for Economic Research), Professor of Macroeconomics and Finance (Humboldt-University Berlin)Prof. Jean Pisani-Ferry, Professor of Economics and Public Management, Hertie school of Governance, Commissioner-General for Policy Planning, reporting to the French Prime MinisterProf. Jörg Rocholl, PhD,...
with Fred Bergsten | Director Emeritus of the Peterson Institute for International Economics (PIIE)Moderation: Marcel Fratzscher | President of DIW BerlinGermany, for solid economic as well as geopolitical reasons, has clearly indicated that it will pay whatever is necessary to preserve the euro. But its preference for financing the deficit countries rather than helping them reduce their...
Das Japanisch-Deutsche Zentrum Berlin (JDZB), das Deutsche Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung Berlin (DIW) und das Keizai Koho Center (KKC; Japan Institute for Social and Economic Affairs) veranstalten gemeinsam eine Tagung, in der Spezialistinnen beider Länder die Herausforderungen für einen größeren Anteil von Frauen in Führungspositionen diskutieren, insbesondere...
Melissa Fisher, New York University, Department of Social and Cultural AnalysisChair: PD Dr. Elke Holst, Research Director Gender Studies, DIW BerlinIntroduction: Dr. Anja Kirsch, Department of Management, Freie Universität BerlinIn her book Wall Street Women Melissa Fisher ethnographically examined how the first cohort of women in finance enacted "market feminisms", incorporating tenets of...
PresentationJeromin Zettelmeyer, Ph.D. | Deputy Chief Economist and Director of Research at the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, LondonPanel DiscussionProf. Alina Mungiu-Pippidi, Ph.D. | Professor of Democracy Studies at Hertie School of Governance, BerlinDr. Kaja Tael | Ambassador of the Republic of Estonia, Berlin Jeromin Zettelmeyer, Ph.D. | Deputy Chief Economist and Director...
DIW Berlin and IMF cordially invite you to the presentation of the book:"From Fragmentation to Financial Integration in Europe" by Dr. Charles Enoch | Deputy Director, IMF Monetary and Capital Markets Department, and Dr. Jianping Zhou | Senior Economist, IMF Monetary and Capital Markets Department Adress of Welcome:Dr. Simon Junker | Deputy Head of the Dpt. Forecasting and Economic...
Berlin Lunchtime Meeting
Presentation: Dirk Pilat, Deputy Director, OECD Directorate for Science, Technology and IndustryComment: Roman Bertenrath, Head Research and Analysis, Institut der deutschen Wirtschaft, IW Köln ConsultModeration: Heino v. Meyer, OECD Berlin CentreWhat is Germany's position in global value chains (GVCs) and how is it changing? Dirk Pilat will present a new way of looking at trade relations...
Die Veranstaltung findet in Kooperation mit dem Deutschen Juristinnenbund e.V. (djb) und dem Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin für Sozialforschung (WZB) statt.