Modeling trends of the European electricity sector with a focus on nuclear phase-outs in the UK and France - Dr. Pao-Yu Oei | TU Berlin

Video vom 21. Oktober 2016

Modeling trends of the European electricity sector with a focus on nuclear phase-outs in the UK and France - Dr. Pao-Yu Oei | TU Berlin play_arrow Video ansehen

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Modeling trends of the European electricity sector with a focus on nuclear phase-outs in the UK and France: Dr. Pao-Yu Oei | TU Berlin

Panel discussion on Longer-term trends, sector coupling, and cross-border coordination. Presentation by Dr. Pao-Yu Oei, researcher at the workgroup for energy and infrastructure policy at TU Berlin, at the Berlin Conference on Energy and Electricity Economics (BELEC 2016): "Towards a Lower Carbon Energy System in Germany, Europe, and world-wide - Market Design, Technologies, and Business Models"
