Dr. Sonja Dobkowitz

Dr. Sonja Dobkowitz

Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin in der

Abteilung Makroökonomie


Externe Monographien

Climate Change and Monetary Policy: Risks, Instruments, and Chances: In-Depth Analysis ; Requested by the ECON Committee

Bruxelles: European Parliament, 2023, 23 S.
(Monetary Dialogue Papers ; November 2023)
| Sonja Dobkowitz, Pia Hüttl, Alexander Kriwoluzky, Jana Wittich
Referierte Aufsätze Web of Science

Mass Vaccination and Educational Attainment: Evidence from the 1967–68 Measles Eradication Campaign

In: Journal of Health Economics 92 (2023), 102828, 21 S. | Philipp Barteska, Sonja Dobkowitz, Maarit Olkkola, Michael Rieser



Environmentally Responsible Demand: Irresponsible Lobbying

Sonja Dobkowitz
Palma de Mallorca, Spanien, 16.12.2024 - 18.12.2024
| 2024 European Winter Meeting of the Econometric Society (EMWES)

Environmentally Responsible Demand: Irresponsible Lobbying

Sonja Dobkowitz
Florenz, Italien, 28.11.2024 - 29.11.2024
| Florence School of Regulation Climate Annual Conference 2024

The Distribution of Income and Green Innovation

Sonja Dobkowitz
London, Großbritannien, 20.11.2024
| Junior Research Day: King’s College London and Collège de France

Climate Change, Firms, and Aggregate Productivity: Discussion

Sonja Dobkowitz
Bonn, 08.11.2024
| CEPR Annual Macroeconomics and Growth Programme Meeting 2024

Distribution of Income and Clean Innovation

Nandhini Selvakumar, Sonja Dobkowitz
Berlin, 22.10.2024
| Seminar of the Macro Department