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Veranstaltungen der Abteilung Klimapolitik

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236 Ergebnisse, ab 21
  • 4. November 2021


    Aligning finance with the Paris Agreement and unlocking $100 billion
    EU side event to COP26

    Speaker: Carolyn Neunuebel, Philipp Censkowsky, Pieter Pauw, Tasneem Essop , Catherine Marchewitz, Karsten Neuhoff
    Zeit: 17:00-18:30

    On Thursday 4 November, the German Institute for Economic Research (DIW Berlin) will hold an EU side event together with the World Resources Institute, Perspectives Climate Group, Frankfurt School and Climate Action Network on climate financing at the COP26. Leading European researchers will present their latest insights into aligning international financial flows with the goals of the Paris ...

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  • 3. November 2021


    Sustainable Finance for Climate Mitigation - The Role of the Financial Sector in Achieving Net-Zero
    COP 26 Side Event at the German Pavilion

    Speaker: Karen Pittel, Karsten Löffler, Kai Lessmann, Frank Schiemann, Christa Clapp, Franziska Schütze
    Ort: Online-Event
    Zeit: 12:30-14:00

    The financial sector has an important role in the transition towards a net-zero economy. Moderated by Prof. Dr. Karen Pittel (ifo Institute) this panel will discuss policy options for the financial sector. Karsten Löffler (Green and Sustainable Finance Cluster Germany) will hold a keynote on the recommendations of the German Sustainable Finance Committee. Four panelists will then add ...

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  • 29. September 2021

    Berlin Seminar

    Virtual Seminar: Frühindikatoren für ein besseres Management der Klimawende

    Speaker: Barbara Schlomann, Henning Ellermann, Daniela Fietze, Mats Kröger
    Zeit: 12:30 - 14:00

    Durch die Entscheidung des Bundesverfassungsgerichts sowie die politische Forderung nach Klimaneutralität ergeben sich neue Anforderungen an die Politik. Denn diese muss bereits jetzt die Weichen für eine klimaneutrale Gesellschaft stellen. Wir wollen diskutieren, ob das mit den im Klimaschutzgesetz vorgesehenen Monitoringinstrumente sicherstellt werden kann. Welche Herausforderungen für das ...

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  • 28. Mai 2021

    DIW Applied Micro Seminar

    Social Mobility and Economic Development

    Speaker: Guido Neidhöfer, ZEW
    Ort: Online seminar via Cisco Webex
    Zeit: 13:15 - 14:30

    We explore the role of social mobility as driver of economic development. First, we draw the geography of intergenerational mobility of education for 52 Latin American regions, as well as its evolution over time. Then, through a novel weighting procedure that considers the aggregate participation of cohorts to the economy in every year, we estimate the effect of changes in mobility on economic ...

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  • 19. Februar 2021

    DIW Applied Micro Seminar

    Health Effects of Prenatal and Infancy Home Visiting Programs by Nurses: Evidence from a Randomized Control Trial

    Speaker: Gabriella Conti, University College London
    Ort: Online seminar via Cisco Webex
    Zeit: 13:15 - 14:30

    Home visiting programmes are increasingly being implemented across the globe to help vulnerable families with young children, however longer-term experimental evidence on their health impacts on both parents and children is scarce. In this paper we study the medium-term health impacts of a randomized control trial to evaluate the Nurse Family Partnership (NFP), one of the oldest home visitation ...

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  • 11. Januar 2021

    Climate Friendly Materials Platform

    CFM-Traction European Dialogue:The Policy Toolkit for Net-Zero Industrial Innovation

    Speaker: Aleksander Śniegocki (WiseEuropa), Olga Dzilińska-Pietrzak (Grupa Azoty), André Horstkötter (ThyssenKrupp), Peter Menck (German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy), Oskar Kulik (WWF Poland), Rob van der Meer (HeidelbergCement), Udo Sieverding (Verbraucherzentrale NRW), Frank Sibert (BNP Paribas), Julie-Anne Hogbin (Climate Strategies), Karsten Neuhoff, Olga Chiappinelli
    Zeit: 13:00 - 14:45

    This event, organized as part of  the CFM-TRACTION  project, is designed as a stakeholder dialogue to accelerate progress towards an effective policy framework to support net-zero industrial innovation. At the event we aim to: ·    Exchange knowledge on policy instrument design, synergies in the policy mixes, the structure of an effective policy packages and its ...

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  • 14. Dezember 2020

    Climate Friendly Materials Platform

    CFM-Traction joint Germany-Poland online workshop

    Speaker: Andrzej Błachowicz (Climate Strategies), Aleksander Sniegocki (WiSeEurope), Karsten Neuhoff
    Zeit: 12:00 - 14:00

    This event, organized in the context of the CFM-TRACTION  project, is a small-scale joint workshop with key stakeholders in industrial decarbonisation across German and Poland. We are bringing together key voices to discuss the results from our series of national workshops, to discuss and compare perspectives on the national level between the two countries.

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  • 9. Dezember 2020

    Sustainable Finance

    Der Finanzsektor als Beschleuniger der Nachhaltigkeitswende – Illusion oder Realität?

    Speaker: Nathan Fabian, Timo Busch, Marco Wilkens, Christian Klein, Matthias Kopp, Berenike Wiener, Ulf Moslener, Eva Soebbeke, Frank Schiemann, Kerstin Lopatta, Alexander Bassen, Ingo Speich, Silke Stremlau, Franziska Schütze, Karsten Neuhoff
    Ort: Online-Event
    Zeit: 9:00 - 12:00

    Der Markt für nachhaltige Finanzprodukte wächst rasant. Damit einher gehen Forderungen nach mehr Transparenz, etwa durch umfassende nichtfinanzielle Berichtspflichten für Unternehmen der Real- und  Finanzwirtschaft. Wie und ob diese Finanzprodukte tatsächlich zum angestrebten Wandel beitragen, ist bisher wenig erforscht. Sowohl der öffentliche als auch der private ...

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  • 4. Dezember 2020

    Climate Friendly Materials Platform

    Carbon Contracts for Differences und effektive CO2-Bepreisung entlang der Wertschöpfungskette in der Industrie
    2. Online-Workshop

    Speaker: André Horstkötter (Thyssenkrupp), Brigitta Huckestein (BASF), Ellen von Zitzewitz (BMWi), Olga Chiappinelli, Karsten Neuhoff, Jörn C. Richstein
    Zeit: 15:00 - 16:30

    Im ersten CFM-Traction Workshop wurden neben Ausgestaltungsoptionen für CCfDs auch vorläufige Ergebnisse zum Umfang von Einsparungen, die CCfDs erreichen könnten, sowie eine erste Abschätzung der Höhe der öffentlichen Fördermittel für CCfDs in Deutschland diskutiert. Darüber hinaus wurden Verteilungswirkungen durch eine CO2-Bepreisung entlang der ...

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  • 25. November 2020

    Berlin Seminar

    Virtual Seminar: The international politics of carbon pricing and
    deep decarbonization

    Speaker: David G Victor, Arunabha Ghosh, Danny Cullenward, Ingrid Nestle
    Zeit: 16:30 - 18:00

    With the Green Deal, the EU aims not only at climate neutrality by 2050, but also to stimulate economic recovery in light of the pandemic. The European Commission is currently revisiting its climate policy instruments in order to strengthen the economics of climate friendly activities and investments. A central part of the debate is the European Emission Trading System and a proposed Carbon Border ...

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  • 4. November 2020

    Climate Friendly Materials Platform

    Carbon Contracts for Differences und effektive CO2-Bepreisung entlang der Wertschöpfungskette in der Industrie
    1. Online-Workshop

    Speaker: Oliver Lösch (IREES), Frank Sibert (BNP Paribas), Stefan Pauliuk (Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg), Steffen Jenner (Bundesfinanzministerium), Udo Sieverding (Verbraucherzentrale NRW), Olga Chiappinelli, Karsten Neuhoff, Jörn C. Richstein
    Zeit: 14:00 - 16:30

    Im ersten Teil des Workshops diskutieren wir neben Ausgestaltungsoptionen für CCfDs auch vorläufige Ergebnisse zum Umfang von Einsparungen, die CCfDs erreichen könnten, sowie eine erste Abschätzung der Höhe der öffentlichen Fördermittel für CCfDs in Deutschland. Im zweiten Teil werden wir mögliche Einnahmen einer CO2-Bepreisung mit einer Weiterreichung ...

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  • 9. Oktober 2020

    DIW Applied Micro Seminar

    The Gender Gap in Student Performance: The Role of the Testing Environment

    Speaker: Almudena Sevilla, University College London
    Ort: Online seminar via Cisco Webex
    Note the time change:
    13:30 - 14:45

    Abstract:   Our research question is to what extent does the familiarity with the testing environment impact the relative performance of boys and girls in standardized testing. We use an RCT-design on the full population of students in Grade 6 and 10 across several subjects in the Region of Madrid (Spain). This standardized test was either "Externally" administered, meaning that teachers ...

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  • 25. Juni 2020

    Climate Friendly Materials Platform

    EAERE Policy Session "EU ETS plus X? Policy needs for industrial decarbonisation in the age of corona"

    Speaker: Simone Borghesi (University of Siena, Florence School of Regulation Climate), Misato Sato (London School of Economics), Olga Chiappinelli (DIW Berlin), Arthur Runge-Metzger (DG Clima, European Commission), Malte Bornkamm (German Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi), Olga Chiappinelli, Jörn C. Richstein
    Zeit: 11:00 - 12:30

    The aim of this policy session is to discuss whether or not the EU ETS needs to be complemented by other sector specific policies for the decarbonization of the industrial sector that go beyond recent reforms. Together with our panelists we would also like to reflect the recent developments in the policy debate on the implications of the COVID-19 crisis and the recovery strategy for the topic. The ...

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  • 12. Juni 2020

    DIW Applied Micro Seminar

    Local News, UGC and Professionals: Evidence from Citizen Journalism

    Speaker: Jörg Claussen, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
    Ort: Online seminar via Cisco Webex
    13:15 - 14:30

    Abstract:  User generated content is increasingly substituting content created by professionals. Local news that is generated by citizen journalists could be a promising way of supporting the struggling newspaper industry by reducing costs for professional journalists. We study a network of 122 local Austrian newspapers operating a hybrid model of citizen and professional journalism. We first ...

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  • 29. April 2020

    Berlin Seminar

    Virtual Conference: German Sustainable Finance Strategy in a European Context

    Speaker: Karsten Löffler, Kristina Jeromin, Anne-Claire Roux, Nikki Rupert, Ingmar Jürgens, Franziska Schütze
    Zeit: 11:00 - 12:30

    Co-organized by the Sustainable Finance Research Platform (SFRP) and Berlin Seminar on Energy and Climate Policy (BSEC) Sustainable Finance is not only a key element of the climate policy agenda. In times of crisis, like the one we are currently experiencing, sustainable finance can also make substantial contributions to making our financial system more resilient, more sustainable and more ...

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  • 29. April 2020

    Sustainable Finance

    Virtual Conference: German Sustainable Finance Strategy in a European Context

    Speaker: Karsten Löffler, Kristina Jeromin, Anne-Claire Roux, Nikki Rupert, Ingmar Jürgens, Franziska Schütze
    Ort: Elinor-Ostrom-Saal
    DIW Berlin
    Mohrenstr. 58
    10117 Berlin
    Zeit: 11:00 - 12:30

    Co-organized by the Sustainable Finance Research Platform (SFRP) and Berlin Seminar on Energy and Climate Policy (BSEC) Sustainable Finance is not only a key element of the climate policy agenda. In times of crisis, like the one we are currently experiencing, sustainable finance can also make substantial contributions to making our financial system more resilient, more sustainable and more ...

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  • 24. April 2020

    DIW Applied Micro Seminar

    What do we want? And when do we want it? Alternative objectives and their implications for experimental design.

    Speaker: Maximilian Kasy, University of Oxford
    Ort: Online seminar via Cisco Webex
    13:15 - 14:30

    Summary:  This talk will provide a survey of several papers on the theory and practice of experimental design. I will compare different objectives (estimator precision, outcomes of participants, informing policy choice to maximize average outcomes, and informing policy choice to maximize utilitarian welfare), and their implications for experimental design. I will consider heuristic ...

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  • 20. April 2020

    Sustainable Finance

    Online-Workshop: TFCD Reporting Standard in Practice

    Speaker: Christian Thimann, Mona Freundt, Frank Sibert, Lukas Simon, Christoph Reißfelder, Timo Busch, Ingmar Jürgens
    Zeit: 10:00 - 12:00

    In its Climate Action Programme 2030, the German government presented concrete measures for the country to reach its 2030 climate target: a reduction of greenhouse gas levels by 55 percent below 1990 levels. At the same time, the German government officially declared its aim to take a leading position in Sustainable Finance. Hence, the country intends to underpin the transformation to a low-carbon ...

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  • 28. Februar 2020

    DIW Applied Micro Seminar

    Optimal Benefit-Based Corporate Income Tax

    Speaker: Simon Naitram, University of the West Indies, Cave Hill
    Ort: Anna J. Schwartz Room
    Room 5.2.010
    Mohrenstraße 58
    10117 Berlin
    Zeit: 13:15 - 14:30

    Abstract:   I derive an optimal benefit-based corporate tax rate formula as a function of the public input elasticity of profits and the (net of) tax elasticity of profits. I argue that the existence of the corporate income tax should be justified by the benefit-based view of taxation: firms should pay tax according to the benefits they receive from the use of the public input. I argue that ...

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  • 17. Januar 2020

    Sustainable Finance

    Workshop Sustainable Finance und die Transformation der Realwirtschaft

    Ort: Elinor-Ostrom-Saal
    DIW Berlin
    Mohrenstr. 58
    10117 Berlin
    Zeit: 09:00 - 14:30

    In dem Workshop wurden gemeinsam Lösungsansätzen diskutiert, wie Sustainable Finance die Transformation hin zu einer klimaneutralen und nachhaltigen Wirtschaft begleiten und unterstützen kann.

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236 Ergebnisse, ab 21