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A Stable and Social Europe: Fiscal Rules, a Stabilization Fund, Insolvency Rules, Gender Quota, Gender Pension Gaps, and Education: Reports

DIW Weekly Report 16/17/18 / 2019, S. 148-159

Franziska Bremus, Marius Clemens, Marcel Fratzscher, Anna Hammerschmid, Tatsiana Kliatskova, Alexander Kriwoluzky, Claus Michelsen, Carla Rowold, Felix Weinhardt, Katharina Wrohlich

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Alexander Kriwoluzky

Head of Department in the Macroeconomics Department

Felix Weinhardt

Research Associate in the Public Economics Department

Katharina Wrohlich

Head in the Gender Economics Department

JEL-Classification: E61;E62;H62;H77;E32;E63;F45;E02;F21;G15;D22;J16;J78;M14;M51;J14;J26;I21;I28
Keywords: Fiscal rules, public debt, countercyclical policy, monetary union, stabilization funds, fiscal policy, capital market integration, legal harmonization, institutional differences, board diversity, gender equality, gender quota, gender pension gap, Europe, SHARE, education, program evaluation

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